Limestone is a carbonate rock of organic origin formed from the shell remains of marine animals. The shell fragments have accumulated on the seabed and, after millions of years, have been cemented into a compact and hard rock. Limestone consists of calcium carbonate and has the chemical formula CaCO3.
Limestone exists in sedimentary and crystalline forms. Sedimentary limestone forms from accumulations of organic material such as shells, corals, and other marine organisms. Sedimentary limestone often contains distinct fossil fragments that reflect the environment that existed when it was formed.
The process for forming crystalline limestone occurs deep within the Earth’s crust, at a depth of about 10-20 kilometers, where temperatures up to 600 degrees create larger crystals in the rock. This type of limestone is harder and denser, and the marine animal fragments disappear during the formation.
Limestone is extracted, crushed, and ground into suitable fractions at our production facilities around Scandinavia and the Baltics. A large portion of the extracted limestone is further processed into burned or hydrated products.
Limestone is used in agriculture and gardening, as well as for lake and wetland liming. In its raw form or after processing, limestone is also used in the production of paper, paint, asphalt, bricks, concrete, and metals.
SMA Mineral AB
Box 329
682 27 Filipstad