Sustainability | SMA Mineral

We look forward to continuing our journey towards sustainability

It is with great pleasure and pride that I present our sustainability report for 2023. Our commitment to sustainability permeates every aspect of our business and we have taken important steps to ensure a responsible and long-term future.

We are determined to be ready in time to meet the requirements of the CSRD. We also have a strong focus on GHG with a clear goal to integrate Scope 3 into our reports. This means that we take responsibility for the entire value chain and ensure that the EU’s ambitious targets also reach our suppliers outside the EU. We welcome the fact that sustainability will now have the same status as financial reporting – a company’s success is no longer solely financial, but also linked to balanced sustainability.

The year of 2023 was not without challenges and important circumstances that affected our business.

The war in Ukraine resulted in limited access to fossil-free fuels, forcing us to temporarily return to mineral oil at our facility in Sandarne.

Our application for a continued operating permit in Gåsgruvan was rejected. The court chose to apply a limit value despite the fact that experts brought in by the court were of a different opinion. MMD has granted leave to appeal for that judgement.

At the same time, our partner SaltX completed the ECRC, its test facility in Hofors, and SSAB placed their first order for ZEQL-produced lime, which showed very good results in Swerim’s test facility.

Work on the first full-scale ZEQL factory is in full swing, where we are investing in advanced plasma equipment from Scanarc with control from ABB. We have also established contact with companies to convert the produced CO2 into fuel. The first production line for ZEQL will be completed in 2025. Simultaniously, we are constantly evaluating ideas and opportunities to convert existing factories to CO2-neutral production.

Svante Fielding

Our focus in sustainability is to rapidly reduce the large amount of CO2 we release into the atmosphere. Technical solutions are being developed and tested intensively, but challenges remain. Unclear rules on CO2 classification and difficulties in obtaining the necessary permits require our attention. We are determined to contribute to a positive change, but decision-making and permits are key factors.

The mining of lime brings environmental challenges but there is currently no adequate alternative in the processes where lime is used. Lime is necessary for the production of e.g. steel, paper, asphalt, cement, plastics and in everything from water purification to the improvement of arable land, animal feed etc. We are aware of the negative effects, but our society is highly dependent on the versatility of lime and we are at the forefront of the industry to switch to as sustainable production as physically possible.

We look forward to continuing our journey towards sustainability and thank you for your continued support.

Svante Fielding, CEO

Sustainability report 2023

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