Sustainability report | SMA Mineral

Sustainability report 2023

Sustainability report 2023 gives us guidance for the future

Our vision is for SMA Mineral to be the natural choice for development and value creation – both locally and globally. Our long-term plans revolve around both saving the climate and surviving as a company. Our customers are at the forefront of their respective industries, and in order to remain competitive, we must do the same.

SMA Mineral’s prioritized sustainability issues lay the foundation for our priorities and efforts. The work to deepen our commitment and responsibility began in 2021 and is ongoing in our roadmap. Our chosen focus areas are based on our materiality analysis, which includes our most significant areas of impact and risk, as well as the issues that are most important to our stakeholders. The production of our products should be carried out with the utmost consideration for the environment, health, and safety.

Our financial responsibility and corporate governance

For over fifty years, SMA Mineral has developed a long-term stable business built on quality products, satisfied customers, and sustainable business relationships. We have clear and strong core values and approach our customers with expertise, reliability, and good business ethics throughout the value chain.

Our social responsibility

SMA Mineral strives for a secure, safe, and stimulating work environment where competent and engaged employees thrive and continue to develop. We achieve these goals by analyzing the risks in our workplaces and understanding how our employees value their work with us. With knowledge about these issues, we can prevent accidents and unhealthy conditions and create a pleasant work environment with sound values.

Our responsibility for the environment and climate

Environment is a key issue that runs through our entire value chain, from extraction and transportation to the control and management of processes at our facilities. The most significant environmental impact in our facilities that produce burnt products is CO2 emissions. Therefore, ambitious goals have been set within the framework of our concept ZEQL to halve these emissions by 2027.

Sustainability report 2023