Gåsgruvan | SMA Mineral


The Gåsgruvan plant dates all the way back to when limestone quarrying began there in 1852. In the mid-1950s, the facility gained two horizontal rotary kilns for the production of quicklime.

SMA Mineral acquired Gåsgruvan in 1980 from Uddeholm. Quicklime was produced at Gåsgruvan until 1990 and quarrying took place at two levels underground.

Today the plant quarries limestone in an open pit. The limestone and aggregates are crushed and sorted in a mobile equipment before transportation to the plant at surface level. The limestone is then normally processed further through milling and screening. The final products are stored in silos or big bags and delivered to customers in the construction, asphalt production, agriculture and lake liming sectors.






Site Manager for Gåsgruvan and Berga

0046 70 284 35 09